
Using brute force against civilian population reflects colonial mindset of Indian forces. Tehreek e Muzahamat

Paying glowing tributes to Pulwama Martyrs Tehreek e Muzahamat Chairman Bilal Ahmed Sidiqui has said that our youth are resisting an ugly occupation which is devoid of all moral and human values. We salute our brave sons of soil for their courage and valour against the mighty occupation.
Terming the use of brute force against civilians reflection of colonial mind set of Indian forces Bilal Ahmed Sidiqui said that New Delhi and its forces should remember that no army has won any war against masses fighting for their legal and genuine rights.
Bilal Ahmed Sidiqui extended condolences with the bereaved families of Martyrs and prayed for speedy recovery of all injured during Pulwama encounter.
We pledge to safeguard our huge sacrifices and to continue our just struggle for right to self determination till our last breath. Bilal Ahmed Sidiqui added.

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