
Human Rights question seems to be orphan, argues Muhammad Farooq Rehmani.


 The Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir People’s Freedom League has strongly castigated India’s military operations and catch and kill and fake encounter policy in the IIOJK even after the revived 2003 cease-fire agreement across the so called LoC. He said despite thaw between the India and Pakistan following their behind the scene orchestrated  talks the inhabitants of the Himalayan occupied region haven’t seen benefits of the so called raproachment. The Kashmir looks to be a question of orphans as India had free hand to brutalize the population under her illegal occupation. Muhammad Farooq Rehmani cited examples of some fresh brutal killings and torching of houses in Shopian and Kulgam localities where youth were targeted and slaughtered in the name of fake encounters, people were forced to protest against the military barbarism but the dead bodies of 3 civilian youths of the areas were taken to far away places of north to be buried there without permission of their parents. He said the parents had dug graves for their near and dear ones, but the dead bodies weren’t handed to them for their last funeral rites and burial. He urged on the UN CHR to intervene in and recover the martyred sons and impose ban on any such burial of targeted youths outside of their local graveyards. 
   Muhammad Farooq Rehmani expressed profound grief and gloom over this grim situation following the ceasefire between the two countries– India and Pakistan and questioned their peace agreements. How long the unfortunate and unaddressed Kashmiris could continue to suffer, if they were made to face enormities of war inside their Valley without any international assistance or facilitation of resolution. He said that the Kashmir must be considered to be the question of the right of self-determination and no other approach or policy should undermine this age old  concept of freedom of Jammu and Kashmir. Under the developing situation the Kashmir has been downgraded as a territorial dispute, giving India free hand to imprison, torture , humiliate , intimidate, molest and massacre the people under any pretext resulting in the death of humanity and human rights in the region. He said no doubt that peace and the regional stability were of paramount importance but equally   life, honour and property of the people inside the IIOJK needed peace and safety and impunity should end. The Kashmiris must be given due space under all conditions on the basis of the right of self-determination be that dialogue on the future of the State of Jammu and Kashmir. He said that the Kashmiris in the IIOJK or living outside anywhere around the world would never compromise the basic principles of freedom and would consider such hollow agreements in the name of peace mere lollipop to further big power, trade game of regional commercial interests. Kashmir can’t be  resolved by llolipop- approach by the world.

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